Oklahoma City Public Schools Teaches Old, Dead White Men
By Steve Byas
Oklahoma City Public Schools has delayed implementation of an anti-white racist program, using hip-hop and rap music, according to Superintendent Karl Springer.The most controversial aspect of the program is its use of a rap song, "Old, Dead White Men," to supposedly "teach" American history. In describing President James Monroe's term of office, the lyrics rap out that, "White men getting richer than Enron. They stepping on Indians, women and blacks. Era of Good Feeling doesn't come with the facts."
Another line states that, "Andrew Jackson thinks he's a tough guy. Killing more Indians than there are stars in the sky. Evil wars of Florida killing the Seminoles. Saying hello, putting Creek in the hell holes. Like Adolf Hitler he had the final solution. 'No, Indians, I don't want you to live here anymore.'"
While Andrew Jackson aggressively sought the removal of Indian tribes, comparing him to Adolf Hitler, who committed genocide on the Jews, is ignorant and despicable. It is not too likely that these students will ever be taught that Jackson adopted a Creek baby, raised him as his own child, and paid for his education. Obviously, Adolf Hitler would have never adopted a Jewish baby.
Will these Oklahoma City children be taught about Indian massacres of whites? For example, one of the principal reasons for the removal efforts after the War of 1812 was that many Indian tribes sided with the British in that war. At Fort Mims, nine hundred men, women and children were slaughtered by the Red Stick Creek Indians. Some warriors took little children by the feet, and swung their heads into stockade fences.
This is not to say that Indians today, or even all Creek Indians then, are responsible for such vile acts. It is also understandable that Indian tribal warriors fought bravely and tenaciously against aggression by encroachment by U.S. citizens. What is not understandable is to teach history in a one-sided biased fashion as is being done in the Oklahoma City public schools.
It is simply amazing that it is considered fine to launch vicious, hate-filled and racist raps against white men, but no one else.
About 15 teachers had complained or expressed concern about the rap song lyrics, said Ed Allen, president of the Oklahoma City American Federation of Teachers (AFT).
"I just don't think we were real careful where we deployed it. Not all parts of it are real effective for the more troubled youth," Allen said.
SQ 744 would increase funding of the public schools in Oklahoma, perhaps enabling more such racist programs.
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